This page contains demonstration of music morphing. In this demonstration, we provide original audio samples for source and target music, as well as dynamic morphed music by SoundMorpher. We also provide some randomly selected intermediate morphed samples in the morph sequences as well as two reconstructed end points α=0.0 and α=1.0. Please note that the intermediate morphed music samples corresponde to source and targer music; however, it is not a simply cross fading music, but a independent music composition shares features in-between source music and target music. This also showcase SoundMorpher can be applied to creative music composition in arts by giving two music compositions. All the source and target music are sourced from AudioLDM2 Demo page
Example 1
Source music
Target music
Dynamic morph music from source to target
(Baseline) Dynamic morph music wo SPDP
Below provides intermediate morphed samples and reconstructed source music and target music.
Example 2
Source music
Target music
Dynamic morph music from source to target
(Baseline) Dynamic morph music wo SPDP
Below provides intermediate morphed samples and reconstructed source music and target music.
Example 3
Source music
Target music
Dynamic morph music from source to target
(Baseline) Dynamic morph music wo SPDP
Below provides intermediate morphed samples and reconstructed source music and target music.
Example 4
Source music
Target music
Dynamic morph music from source to target
(Baseline) Dynamic morph music wo SPDP
Below provides intermediate morphed samples and reconstructed source music and target music.
Example 5
Source music
Target music
Dynamic morph music from source to target
(Baseline) Dynamic morph music wo SPDP
Below provides intermediate morphed samples and reconstructed source music and target music.
Example 6
Source music
Target music
Dynamic morph music from source to target
(Baseline) Dynamic morph music wo SPDP
Below provides intermediate morphed samples and reconstructed source music and target music.
Example 7
Source music
Target music
Dynamic morph music from source to target
(Baseline) Dynamic morph music wo SPDP
Below provides intermediate morphed samples and reconstructed source music and target music.
Example 8
Source music
Target music
Dynamic morph music from source to target
(Baseline) Dynamic morph music wo SPDP
Below provides intermediate morphed samples and reconstructed source music and target music.